There is an appearance of multiplicity. But behind the appearance are clues pointing to oneness. . .

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Absolute Peace

From Felipe Oliviera:

Absolute peace cannot be found in the relative. It cannot be found in objects or experiences. When the object of desire is acquired or when the climax of an experience is reached, a moment of impersonal peace or happiness is experienced. However, because the focus is on the apparent means to that happiness and not on the source of that happiness, it is short lived and psychological suffering and seeking resume. Greed, hatred, envy, fear are all based on a genuine longing for eternal peace gone misdirected.

Absolute peace cannot be found in time or space, in thought or sensation. Absolute peace — the peace that does not come and go — is here now as the backdrop to all experience. See that the one who searches for peace is searching for it in the conceptual and the perceptual realms, both of which are relative and changeful — dualistic. All experiences invite and become their opposites. All objects that exist cease to exist. In the relative what is present must become absent. Nothing is permanent in the relative — in the mind; in the world.

At one point the fact dawns or is pointed out that the fulfillment of our deepest desire for permanent absolute peace lies in another realm altogether. It lies in the realization that the world and all experiences are appearances on the screen of pure Being. Life can go on as it pleases — as it always has and will. Peace is the peace of simple being.

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