There is an appearance of multiplicity. But behind the appearance are clues pointing to oneness. . .

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Yet. . .

Is this your story?

“It hasn’t really taken hold yet.”
“The full realization is not here yet.”
“I’m not completely detached from my story yet.”
“The last penny to drop seemingly hasn't happened yet.”
“Although I have read everything, I feel like I don’t get it yet.”

Any of those sound familiar? Sure they do. And they are all false. “Yet” is only a misunderstanding – a mistake in your thinking – that something is supposed to happen. Nothing is going to happen, and misunderstanding this is your only obstacle. Would you be waiting or trying for something to happen, if you were convinced nothing was ever going to happen? I doubt it! So the seeking stops.

Once you know that nothing is going to happen, and there is literally no one for anything to happen to, then you will naturally stop trying or waiting or expecting. And what becomes obvious is that there never was a person who needed anything – knowledge, realization, freedom, integrated understanding – nothing! Not even “knowing that you know”! There is simply no one here to need anything. You are not separate and trying to regain your status as whole. No, you've always been this, never apart from or other than this whole.

The mind will jump to “I understand there is no one to awaken, but I want to really get this!” That’s a contradictory statement, and so take a look at how it still assumes the belief that there is an “I” who gets something. There is not. Go after the belief that you are a separate “I,” instead of going after the promised land of “after the penny drops for me.” The seeking can only be stopped by going after the false belief. The belief you still have is that there is an entity, and it will experience a penny dropping. It will not. But you still believe that it will, and that's why you're still working towards it. Aren't you sick of it? . . .

The seeking does not stop because one “finally gets” the realization, or one “completely detaches” from the story. No! The seeking stops WHEN IT IS SEEN THAT THERE IS NO SEEKER. That's all there is to it. There is no seeker, no “you.” That someone is not real. What is real is one life living, impersonally, and it is experienced by you now as awareness. . .

See that there is no seeker, and it's over. That's the only way! As long as the seeker believes there is more to get, more to learn, a final dropping to feel, then the search goes on. As long as there is a seeker, there is a search. Blow the seeker out of the water, and the search is over.

I know that this can be heard at one level, and yet there is a nagging "I'll do what she says. I'll try this and then I'll finally get it." No. The point is that "getting" is for people. Being a person is suffering. Finding you are not a person is to see that the suffering never existed, nothing was ever needed. Nothing to get, for no one. There is just this hereness, now, with no “you” to know it, and that's it. Nothing else is happening. - Annette Nibley

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