There is an appearance of multiplicity. But behind the appearance are clues pointing to oneness. . .

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Clarifying who you are. . .

Clarifying who you are and resolving suffering are the same movement, two sides of the same coin. All experiences (thoughts, feelings and objects perceived) arise as appearances. But there is something in you that does not arise or appear. Yet it cannot be denied because it is what you are. Initially this is simply pointed out as the sense of being, which is present and aware. Notice this as the constant presence through which all experiences naturally flow, like a river. Then you are no longer being swept along by the current of events. You remain rooted in a solid source. Suffering and problems are seen for what they are — mental phenomena, mere images passing through the light of awareness. Your home is in and as that non-conceptual awareness. You no longer experience yourself as a limited self bound by imagination and concepts. - John Wheeler

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